About The OMCSA

The Ontario Mine Contractors Safety Association.


The Ontario Mine Contractors Safety Association consists of many contracting companies. The respective safety professionals in each company, along with management and the man at the face, meet and share safety topics and concerns.

We encourage everyone to be innovative in safety and share the innovation with all the companies so that the workers can benefit from the job being made safer because of new ideas.

The Association was established in 1965 with the objectives to promote the interests and well-being of its members and their employees, to reduce the injury frequency, and specifically:

1. Recognize the safety and health of their employees as a fundamental responsibility in the conduct of business and to improve the safety of working conditions in the industry.

2. Promote and encourage the protection of the environment by its members and their employees through education and training.

3. Provide a forum to share information and ideas, among the member companies, which will assist in the prevention of future injuries.

4. Present and review injuries/incidents and promote findings and recommendations to the workplace by reviewing material in the minutes of meetings and by those in attendance.

5. Promote technical presentations from outside groups and agencies to provide assistance and updates on health and safety issues regarding new safety-related technology being introduced to the industry.

6. Promote and expand upon existing knowledge of member companies through interaction, thereby creating increased cooperation and understanding.

7. Represent its members in communication with and make representations to governmental bodies and agencies regarding matters of mutual concern to members.

8. Promote recognition of the importance of the mine contracting industry to the mining and community at large.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or want to join in on a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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